Donor Recognition
Educational excellence is the legacy of alumni and donors of Schoolcraft College. The scholarships, programs and campus enhancements made possible through their generosity have ensured transformational learning experiences for generations of Schoolcraft College students.
One of the ways the Schoolcraft College Foundation thanks its donors is through public recognition of their giving. Annual Giving is recognized in the Schoolcraft College Annual Report under the following categories:
Annual Giving Recognition Categories
- $5,000 Platinum Shareholder
- $2,500 Diamond Shareholder
- $1,000 Gold Shareholder
- $500 Silver Shareholder
- $250 Shareholder
Lifetime Giving Recognition
Donors whose lifetime gifts (including matches) exceed $10,000 are permanently recognized on the lifetime giving display in the Vistatech Center.
The Henry Rowe Schoolcraft Society
The Henry Rowe Schoolcraft Society was established to honor and recognize individuals who provide for Schoolcraft College through planned gifts. Through their foresight and planning, donors who include Schoolcraft College in their estate plans provide essential support for generations of Schoolcraft College students and are recognized on the Henry Rowe Schoolcraft Society display in the Vistatech Center.
For Further Information
If you have already included Schoolcraft College in your estate planning or if you would like to learn more about specific planned giving or other opportunities to support the College, please email us at or call the Foundation Office at (734) 462-4455.