Schoolcraft Foundation:
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Tribute Gifts

A tribute gift is a great way to make an impact in honor of a loved one. Many make gifts to the Foundation in memory of a family member or friend, or to honor a person on their graduation from college, a birthday, anniversary or other special occasion.

You can specify for whom or what you are making your gift and we will send a letter to the honoree or family member. To make one of these named gifts, please contact the Schoolcraft College Foundation at (734) 462-4455 or via email at foundation@schoolcraft.edu.

If you would like to give to a specific memorial fund and it is not listed below, please be sure to list the name of the fund in the “Other Designation” or “Comment” boxes.

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To donate to a specific page, please click the appropriate image below:

Kay A. Arnold Memorial Fund
In Memory of Larry Ordowski
In Memory of Matthew Berardi
John Osborne - The Plaid Pig
Craig B Bowles Memorial
In Memory of Jean E. Pike
Linda S. Burnett Memorial Button
In Memory of Ronbo Proudlock
Executive Chef Anthony Calabrese Memorial Fund button
In Memory of Ron Randall
Jonathan A. Covault Memorial Fund button
Rengaswamy Srinivasan Memorial Button
Tribute Button - Judy Gonyeau Shultz
EricK Walter Stecher Memorial
Make a donation in memory of Larry F. Groth
Audrey Vahosky Memorial Button
Helen Whte Tribute Button
Memorial donations for Dr. Conway A. Jefress
Tribute Memorial Button - Kalvin D. Young
Memorial Donations for Chef Rick Martinez

Please be sure to include the name of the person you are making the tribute gift in honor or memory of.