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eNews 11th Edition

Schoolcraft E-News 11th Edition
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College Updates

Dear extended Schoolcraft family,

First and foremost, I want to say “Thank You” to those of you who supported the Schoolcraft College Foundation in the past.  Simply said, it is the generosity of many that make it possible for our students to succeed during these unprecedented times. 
Recently, you may have received a video through email or a letter in the mail focused on how your support has been a critical component in the Foundation’s ability to respond to student needs during the pandemic. The College’s quick transition to a distance learning format for classes was enhanced by the Foundation’s ability to utilize donations to the Greatest Needs Fund to provide assistance with computer loan support, student emergency needs, and encourage students who faced multiple challenges like job loss, furloughs and the challenge to stay enrolled in school to complete their degree.  Because of the generosity of our donors, the Foundation awarded one-time Distance Learning Scholarships totaling $218,000 to 790 students for the Spring and Summer Semesters. This brought the total number of students who received financial support to over 1,000 – a new record for the Foundation.

Click on the video or tap here to see just a few short stories that students shared about how these awards impacted them.
To continue this good work, it is critical to replenish the Greatest Needs Fund. Your gift is urgently needed now more than ever to help students continue on their academic journey with the resources they need to be successful. Make your gift before June 30 at schoolcraft.edu/donate.
Thank YOU for making a difference,

Dawn Dyer Magretta, CFRE, Executive Director

Need Money for School?  Apply for Scholarships Today!

The Foundation is actively awarding scholarships for Fall 2020. Apply today or share this information with students you know. Hundreds of scholarships are available and requirements range from financial need to academic excellence.
Complete a scholarship application to see what you qualify for today!

The Future of Work & Education – Register Now!

Schoolcraft College Foundation, in partnership with the Council of Michigan Foundations, hosts its second Business and Community Leaders Convening focused on The Future of Work and Education. This year’s program will feature Dr. Chauncy Lennon, vice president for the future of learning and work at the nationally renowned Lumina Foundation.

Dr. Lennon will speak about current trends we are facing that have been accelerated by the current pandemic, the future of postsecondary attainment, and the challenge of equity relating to work and education. Following his presentation, there will be a panel of representatives from manufacturing, education, and the philanthropic community who will share their insights on the rapidly changing workforce, along with Dr. Lennon. 

This second year builds on the groundwork created through last year’s convening with international futurist and author Heather McGowan, which introduced how the Fourth Industrial Revolution of extraordinary technology advances is changing the way we live, work and interact.  Schoolcraft Foundation is continuing its commitment as a convener of this important discussion and encouraging action to meet the rapidly changing needs of work and education. 
Register Now
Questions? Contact 734.462.4455 or foundation@schoolcraft.edu.

COVID-19 makes us think about important things…

Before the coronavirus took over our lives and everyday conversation, the thought of doing an estate plan or having our will drafted just wasn’t a priority.  In fact, according to a recent Caring.com survey, only 42% of adults in the United States have any type of estate planning (a will or living trust) in place.  Alarmingly, for those with children under the age of 18 years old, the percentage drops to 36%.  The COVID-19 crisis has people reconsidering these important documents and taking action.

While a pandemic may or may not be the best motivator, remember these documents are to protect you and your loved ones.  These are not just decisions about financial assets, real estate and net-worth; these documents speak for you in situations where you may not be able to speak for yourself.

Consider setting up a telephone call or a Zoom meeting with your legal advisor to begin your plans, or review current plans that are in place.  Even in the midst of the health crisis, your legal, tax and financial advisors can help you establish instructions that protect you and your family.  The true purpose of these documents is to bring comfort when you need it most.
For more information on legacy gifts or upcoming webinars, please contact Christopher Kelly, director of major and planned giving, at 734-462-4518 or ckelly@schoolcraft.edu.

Welcome New Foundation Board Members!

Tanya Bolden is Director, Supply Chain Products & Services at AIAG, joining the organization in October 2010.  As leader of AIAG’s strategic programming and associated product offerings, she works with teams of volunteers, drawn from AIAG member companies, to develop and implement guidelines and share best practices to help companies manage their material/vehicle logistics, international trade, materials & substance compliance, and customer expectation on issues such as supply chain sustainability, environmental responsibility and business ethics.
Bolden joined AIAG from General Motors Company, where she was Corporate Responsibility Manager, responsible for a broad range of global corporate responsibility issues impacting the company.  She worked at General Motors for 20 years, in a variety of positions, with growing responsibility.  She holds a BS from Michigan State University and an MS in Administration from Central Michigan University. 
Paul Dygert is a Global Purchasing Executive with over 25 years auto industry experience with Ford Motor Company and two Tier 1 suppliers.  Most recently, Mr. Dygert was Vice President, Advanced Purchasing and Global Process with Yazaki North America.  Prior to that he enjoyed a highly successful career with Ford Motor Company, culminating as Purchasing Director, Global Powertrain, leading a team of 100 employees located worldwide in the U.S., Mexico, Central America, South America, Europe, South Africa and Asia.
Mr. Dygert holds both an MBA in Material and Logistics Management and a BA, Business, from Michigan State University in East Lansing.   He currently resides in Northville with his wife Tari and his two college-aged children, Hannah and Jensen.
David Groth is currently the Director-Support Services, North Market for Henry Ford Health System.  In this role, he is a member of the Executive Leadership Team at Henry Ford West Bloomfield and Henry Ford Macomb Campus.  He is responsible for Environmental Services, Facilities and Maintenance, Patient Transportation, Culinary Services, Security and Parking, IT and Clinical Engineering. 
David and his family live in Canton.  He holds an MBA with a specialization in Supply Chain and BBA in Management, both from Eastern Michigan University. 
Helen Mc Grath has been a successful marketing and analytics executive, including a 32-year career with AT&T, retiring as the Vice President of Market Insights for AT&T.  Helen is known for her strong collaborative leadership skills and a track record of driving transformation based on competitive industry and customer insights to drive business results.

Helen has always had an interest in higher education, as proved by her volunteer involvement as University of Illinois Foundation Board member and American Governance Board member.  She holds both an MS and a BS in Advertising from the University of Illinois; Harvard Business School Program for Management Development and the New York Institute of Finance. 

Helen splits her time between Naples, Florida, where she is the president of her condominium, and Commerce Township, Michigan, with her significant other, Mark Wilke.  Mark is a longtime supporter of Schoolcraft College. 

Clyde Rivard has been involved in Schoolcraft College since he was Coordinator of the Fire Technology Program, during which he developed and administrated a 62-hour Associate Degree Program in Fire Science.  He was also a Schoolcraft Adjunct Faculty Member and Consultant for Professional Development & Marketing beginning in 1989.  He was also Sr. Fire Captain, Livonia Fire and Rescue (1982-2008); Coordinator of Faculty Evaluation & Professional Development, Macomb Community College; and retired as Dean of Instruction from Cleary University. 
Clyde holds an AAS in Fire Technology from Schoolcraft College, a BBA in Business Management and a MBA in Studies in Executive Business Administration from Cleary University.  A true lifelong learner, Clyde most recently started an endowed scholarship in memory of his late wife, Marie.

Class Notes: Update Your Info

Have you moved, changed your email address, had a name change, started a new job, received an award, or have other interesting news to share? If so, let us know!

We are so proud of our Schoolcraft College Nurses!  Fox 2 News reported on the “Largest nursing class ever graduating this weekend from Schoolcraft, ready for frontlines.”  Read more or watch the report >
Blake Vershum played baseball at Schoolcraft College before moving on to Grand Valley State. With his baseball season canceled, Vershum is working as a firefighter.  Fox 47 reported “GVSU baseball player spends canceled season working as a firefighter.”  Read more or watch the report >
Schoolcraft College is posting student and alumni stories of Pride, Challenge and Achievement. 

Read More >  or 
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YOU Can Make an Impact

Check to see if your employer matches gifts to the Schoolcraft College Foundation.

Tribute gifts are a great way to honor retirements, family, friends, and those who have passed away – click donate now to make a tribute gift.
Gifts can be made online or send a check to the SC Foundation, 18600 Haggerty Rd., Livonia, MI  48152-2696.  For information on giving, please call Dawn Magretta, Executive Director of the Schoolcraft Foundation, at 734.462.4455 or email dmagrett@schoolcraft.edu
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