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eNews 10th Edition

Schoolcraft E-News 10th Edition
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Making a Difference in the Face of Adversity! 

Dear extended Schoolcraft family,

It truly takes all stakeholders to weather the challenges of today and remain a quality educational institution.  Known for its commitment to students and the community, Schoolcraft has persevered in the face of this global pandemic. 
Designated an essential business, the college acted swiftly.  Faculty flexed their skills and ingenuity to transition on-ground classes to online formats.  Additionally, the college is offering expanded spring and summer online classes.  
Schoolcraft proudly provides even more student support including advisors available to assist both current and future students remotely.  The Learning Center has expanded remote tutoring, which is critically important to those students who have never taken an online class. 
Through the generosity of many donors, the Schoolcraft College Foundation has been able to support the college and its students through these uncharted times. 
As a member of Schoolcraft’s extended family, whether you support a scholarship or program fund, make an annual gift, participate in the employee giving campaign, sponsor an event, volunteer or attend events like the annual Culinary Extravaganza– each and every gift continues to make difference
The Foundation’s Greatest Need Fund has proved valuable in supporting education delivery as a result of the pandemic.   Donor investments have allowed the Foundation to respond quickly to student needs including:    
  • Chem lab kits for students who had to transition and complete their lab classes online
  • A computer loan program for students who don’t have access to computers. 
  • A Distance Learning Scholarship Fund for students that enroll in spring/summer online classes to encourage students to continue learning. 
Tap here to see how Schoolcraft College students were impacted by the Distance Learning Scholarship Fund!
Times like these test the resiliency of any organization.  The college is fortunate to have donors, alumni, retirees, employees and friends of Schoolcraft as an important part of the Schoolcraft family.   
Thank YOU for making a difference,

Dawn Dyer Magretta, CFRE, Executive Director

Search for next Schoolcraft College President Begins

Under the leadership of Brian D. Broderick, Chair of Schoolcraft College’s Board of Trustees, the college has assembled a committee for the next college president.  In April, the Board of Trustees (pictured right)  named Pauly Group as the executive search firm to assist in identifying candidates for this role.
Because of the quarantine that limited in-person input sessions, the college conducted a survey to gain insight on qualities, competencies and attributes in a college president.  Many of you participated in the survey that closed on April 8, 2020.

For the most up to date information on the Presidential Search please visit the Schoolcraft website.

Bosch Fund Announcement

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Schoolcraft Foundation received a $30,000 grant from Bosch Community Fund to expand the Schoolcraft College’s Student Computer Loan Program.    
The grant will also provide two laptops for students to use for the college’s expanded online tutoring through the college’s Learning Support Services’ peer assisted learning program.

“We are so fortunate that BOSCH stepped up to meet this immediate need,” said Dawn Magretta, Executive Director of the Schoolcraft College Foundation. “In March, we surveyed our students and 10 percent of our students stated they don’t have access to a computer at home. With spring/summer classes being online as well, this funding will allow more students access to computers.” 

The computer loan pilot was originally started with a grant from the Schoolcraft College Foundation, which funded 25 laptops in response to students needs as the college transferred all classes to online formats.

The generous grant from the Bosch Community Fund will help an estimated 75 students through spring and summer classes. Additionally, it enables tutors to be more effective and impact a greater number of students. 

We’re Getting Personal…

Well, not that personal! 

With the rise of social distancing, we’ve taken advantage of new technology to share information in a new, cool way. 
You may have noticed new, interactive “envelopes” addressed to you in your email or cell phone with videos to let you know about things the Foundation and Schoolcraft College is doing.  Be sure to check it out next time it lands in your email inbox! 

A New Way to Support Students at SC –
Amazon Smile

EVERY gift helps!  Thus, the Foundation is exploring alternative means for raising funds in order to help the growing needs emerging as a result of the current pandemic.  

AmazonSmile is a service that has been around for quite some time, but is new to us!  Signing up is easy and Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.   There is no charge to participate and Amazon does not deduct any fees from the donation amount.

Here’s how to shop AmazonSmile:
1. Visit smile.amazon.com
2. Sign in with your Amazon.com credentials
3. Choose a charitable organization to receive donations, or search for the charity of your choice
4. Select your charity
4. Start shopping!
5. Add a bookmark for smile.amazon.com to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile

Schoolcraft College reaches out personally to students during the pandemic

COVID-19 may have forced Schoolcraft College to move classes to an online format, but it could not stop the college from ensuring that students are handling the crisis.

Even before the “Stay at Home” order had been issued, the College was in action making difficult decisions for the safety of our students, faculty and staff. 
One of the immediate directives was to form a task team that reached out to the entire student body and determined how they were dealing with the “new normal.”
Dr. Cheryl Hagen, Vice President of Student Services, recently reported that over 3,000 calls had been completed already and important data gathered.  

“We have had to rely on technology more than ever to teach our students, do our work, handle business and, most important, stay in touch. With social distancing our new normal, genuine human interaction is hard to come by, states Dr. Hagen.  “Our ‘call team’ made up of staff from different departments are calling our students to help make sure they are getting the assistance they need, that they’re aware of resources and deadlines, and making sure they know that their college cares about them and sees them as people – not a student ID number.”
The majority of students reported that they are able to continue their studies under the current circumstances.  It is clear from their responses that they are eager to return to the college they love and who obviously loves them!

Schoolcraft’s SBDC helps keep
business dreams alive

The pandemic has caused an economic strain that is particularly difficult for small businesses and start-ups. 
Schoolcraft’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is a resource for help during these difficult times. 

The SBDC is supporting small businesses affected by COVID-19 through consultations on ways to conserve capital and avoid employee layoffs. Additionally, the team is assisting business owners apply for loans through the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Economic Injury Disaster program, grants and loans through the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), and local loan programs through county governments. As this crisis continues, SBDC will be called upon to provide support for business owners whose applications are rejected for various reasons.

The Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) is also offering assistance to small businesses through one-on-one consultations and timely news updates to help companies find, contact and work with government agencies who require supplies and services that combat COVID-19.
Workforce Training Solutions (WTS) serves medium to large businesses and focuses on live corporate contract training programs. This type of training is normally very interactive and conducted on-site, so all scheduled trainings have been postpone to comply with current social distancing regulation.   WTS is pursuing other options to deliver this training remotely and proactively engage the audience.

Retiree Committee Meeting

Not being able to meet in person didn’t stop the SC Retiree Committee from meeting together in April. The meeting took place virtually, which was a wonderful opportunity for the Committee to enjoy some fellowship and touch base with one another.  

The $2 Trillion Stimulus Plan also offers
Charitable Incentives

The largest emergency relief bill in the history of the United States was signed into law last month.  The goal is to offer some financial relief to American households in jeopardy and offer assistance to nonprofit organizations.
The new law includes an “above-the-line” charitable deduction enabling taxpayers who are making charitable contributions to claim up to $300 for cash contributions.  This reduces the taxpayer’s gross or taxable income on their 2020 standard deduction tax return.  The $300 charitable income tax deduction is the same for both individuals and for couples filing jointly.

As with all legal or tax information, we strongly urge you to speak to your own advisors before taking any action based on this information.

NEW Virtual Classes Created for Spring!

Our students spoke and we listened! Due to demand, we are excited to announce select face-to-face classes will now be offered virtually for the spring semester.

Continue taking one of your favorite classes or try a new class for the first time from the comfort of your own home. We look forward to seeing you in the virtual classroom!

Class Notes: Update Your Info

Have you moved, changed your email address, had a name change, started a new job, received an award, or have other interesting news to share? If so, let us know!

So excited for alumna Natasha Young as she has overcome the odds and will soon be a cybersecurity graduate of UM-Dearborn!  She was recently featured in an article by Press & Guide.
Click here to read her story
Schoolcraft College alumnus and current assistant coach for the SC Men’s Soccer team, George Chomakov, was featured in an article in The Detroit News!  
Click here to read his story
Schoolcraft College is posting student and alumni stories of Pride, Challenge and Achievement. 

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YOU Can Make an Impact

Check to see if your employer matches gifts to the Schoolcraft College Foundation.
You can easily make a gift today online or send a check to the SC Foundation, 18600 Haggerty Rd., Livonia, MI  48152-2696.  For information on giving, please call Dawn Magretta, Executive Director of the Schoolcraft Foundation, at 734.462.4455 or email dmagrett@schoolcraft.edu
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