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eNews 12th Edition

Schoolcraft E-News 12th Edition
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Retirees Commemorate Dr. Jeffress’ Retirement

While Dr. Jeffress’ retirement was not the conventional celebration like many retirees experience, the Schoolcraft Retiree Committee hosted a virtual retirement party that brought together college retirees from throughout the country.   More than 70 retirees gathered to celebrate Dr. Jeffress’ nearly 40 years of service to Schoolcraft College.

Maneuvering the new Zoom environment, several of Dr. Jeffress’ former colleagues provided heartfelt remarks including former Schoolcraft College President Dick McDowell.  Additionally, more than 30 retirees submitted videos with touching well-wishes and words of advice on what to expect in retirement that were compiled in a surprise commemorative video. 

Click on the video or tap here to view the Schoolcraft Retiree video.
Dr. Jeffress’ last day as Schoolcraft College President is July 31.  If you would like to make a tribute gift in honor of Dr. Jeffress please tap here – be sure to select Dr. Jeffress’ tribute from the dropdown.
Dr. Glenn Cerny, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, will step into the role of President on August 1.  Look for more information on Dr. Cerny in the Foundation’s August E-News or go to https://www.schoolcraft.edu/college-news/2020/07/02/schoolcraft-college-announces-dr.-glenn-cerny-as-next-president
Longstanding Foundation Staff Member
Victoria Rexius Retirees

If you are a Schoolcraft alum, retiree or a donor to Schoolcraft College, you have probably ran across Victoria Rexius, a ball of energy that is not easily forgotten!  Victoria spent over 14 years in various roles in the Foundation, including alumni relations, retiree relations, donor stewardship and leadership giving.  She has helped many donors find the right fit to invest their philanthropic gifts that impact Schoolcraft students and the community. Those of us at the Foundation will carry on the important relationships that Victoria has made throughout her tenure with the Foundation.   

While Victoria and her husband, Professor Jim Rexius, retired together, she plans to stay connected to Schoolcraft and the Foundation.  With that, we won’t say goodbye to Victoria, we say welcome to the Schoolcraft Retiree club! 
Alumnus’ Determination Pays Off

Excerpts from Ben Bolstrum, Campus Life Editor, The Schoolcraft Connection, Photo courtesy of Schoolcraft College.

Despite setbacks, Schoolcraft alumnus and past scholarship recipient, Tottianna Bushell, didn’t stop. Bushell has recently been accepted into the highly selective University of Michigan’s Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP).

Founded in 1989, UROP provides students the opportunity to pursue a creative, scholarly or research endeavor of their choosing. No previous research experience is needed as skill-building workshops are provided to students free of cost during their time in the program.

“I applied last year and was waitlisted,” stated Bushell. “I decided to apply last semester and was waitlisted again. Through the (Schoolcraft) honors program, I had the opportunity to revise the Title IX policy and create a documentary called “Black on Black Mental Health” with my classmate Marie Chantal Nyirahategekimana. This spark led me to email the director to ask her if there was anything I could do better for the next time.”

After a few weeks, she received an email inviting her to UROP. Along with this achievement, she also cited Nicole Galindo, Emily Podwoiski and Karen Schaumann of the Schoolcraft Honors Scholars program as sources of immense help and support in her journey toward her eventual acceptance into UROP.

“I believe that milestones simply create new paths of learning,” she explains. “Being open to the turning of tides is very important in any goal.”  Bushell wants students to know that they shouldn’t give up either and that it’s important to temper expectations, but to also hope for the best.

In the future, Bushell plans to help low-income communities by researching the issues caused by the factors of poverty and using statistics to find trends that could be amended. UROP will allow her to search for an institution that will allow her to pursue a solution. She hopes that others will begin pursuing their passions instead of trading them for a paycheck.

We are proud to invest in students like Bushell, who work to make a positive impact and are committed to lifelong learning.

Tap here to read the full story in The Schoolcraft Connection.
Foundation Brings Estate Planning to Real Life!
Today’s environment has led many to think about their own planning and the Schoolcraft Foundation was happy to host its first Estate Planning virtual convening. The online event  featured attorney Brandon Grysko from the legal firm of Fausone Bohn LLP. 

Mr. Grysko spoke on the numerous benefits of planning and why people should have a positive outlook on estate planning rather than seeing it as a negative.
After his presentation, Mr. Grysko was joined by Foundation Director of Major and Planned Giving, Christopher Kelly in a brief question and answer period. 

Attendees learned about the necessary legal documents, how they function to meet personal goals, and what instruments you can use to have a charitable legacy.   Watch the eNewsletter for future topics and dates for the next programs.
CulEx 2020 Update

As all of us experience the impacts of COVID-19, it is apparent that CulEx 2020 cannot be held in September.  As the signature fundraiser for the college, which benefits the culinary program as well as provides funding for various needs and programs for students, CulEx has been an important annual event. 

The good news is that the Foundation board, CulEx chairs and Foundation staff are working on ideas to help bring some of the CulEx fun to the hundreds of past event supporters.  Stay tuned for future information and we hope to see everyone in 2021! 

If you are a supporter of this annual event, tap here to continue supporting Schoolcraft students and programs.  We truly appreciate any and all support as we continue to raise funds necessary to help the college meet the rapidly changing needs of or students.

Spotlight on Impact
With help from donors, the Schoolcraft College Foundation is dedicated to creating life-changing opportunities for students and the community. The Foundation strategically invests to help all succeed at Schoolcraft.  Through internal Schoolcraft Foundation Grants, here is a spotlight on one of our strategic investments:   
Foundation Awards $9,200 Grant for Biology & Anatomy Models
The Learning Center was in desperate need to replace the old and outdated models used in the Biology and Anatomy sections. The grant from the Schoolcraft College Foundation enabled the broken and out of date models to be replaced, and utilizing a discount that the Purchasing Department was able to secure, an additional high-quality model was purchased that was not part of the original request.
Another positive result is that discussions are now taking place to consider the use of 3D imaging by Distance Learning. It is always exciting to secure and expand opportunities for students, and these new models are one of many improvements we strive to make for students at Schoolcraft.
Fall Non-Credit Registration Opened July 22, 2020
Continuing Education and Professional Development (CEPD) has a variety of classes being offered virtually this fall! Since their schedule went to print, many new virtual sections have been created and new virtual classes are being added every day! 
• Art
• Aerobics
• Career Training
• Lifelong Learning
• Meditation
• World Languages
• English as a Second Language
• Photography
• Dance
• Financial Management
• Computers
• Yoga
Visit schoolcraft.edu/cepdvirtual for the most up to date virtual class list. 
Class Notes: Update Your Info
Have you moved, changed your email address, had a name change, started a new job, received an award, or have other interesting news to share? If so, let us know!
Schoolcraft College is posting student and alumni stories of Pride, Challenge and Achievement. 
YOU Can Make an Impact
Check to see if your employer matches gifts to the Schoolcraft College Foundation.

Tribute gifts are a great way to honor retirements, family, friends, and those who have passed away – click donate now to make a tribute gift.
Gifts can be made online or send a check to the SC Foundation, 18600 Haggerty Rd., Livonia, MI  48152-2696.  For information on giving, please call Dawn Magretta, Executive Director of the Schoolcraft Foundation, at 734.462.4455 or email dmagrett@schoolcraft.edu
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