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SC Retiree Committee

SC Retiree Committee 6-2020

From left to right –
Row 1: Victoria Rexis, Dawn Magretta, Pat Mog, Elgene Doinidis
Row 2: Cheri Holman, Deb Dani, Richard Tomalty, Gordon Wilson
Row 3: Joyce Galindo, Carolyn Tews, Jack Washka, Elizabeth Lichty-Mayes
Row 4: Stuart Baker, Art Lindenberg

Not Pictured: Mary Beaudoin, Robert Burnside, Donna Nordman, Jean Pike, Ruth Rice, Sylvia Vukmirovich

The Schoolcraft College (SC) Retiree Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the SC Retiree Program. The Committee’s purpose is to encourage and help promote communications, social interaction and fellowship among SC retirees.

The SC Retiree Committee is open to all SC retirees. We encourage you to join our committee or attend one of our meetings. We have a lot of fun and certainly welcome all retirees to join us.

To do so, please contact the SC Foundation Office, at: Email: foundation@schoolcraft.edu or Phone: 734-462-4455.