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2022 Diamond Jubilee Culinary Extravaganza

Diamond Jubilee Culinary Extravaganza 2022

A huge “Thank YOU!” to all of the sponsors, guests, chefs, students and volunteers that made the Diamond Jubilee Culinary Extravaganza possible!

On February 24, 2022, we celebrated Schoolcraft’s 60th Diamond Anniversary showcasing the skills of the distinguished and award-winning students and faculty of the Schoolcraft Culinary Arts and Brewing & Distillation programs. The evening was filled with awesome food, music and fun as the guests entered the Schoolcraft Culinary Kitchens for an extraordinary strolling dinner.

Diamond Jubilee Logo

Diamond Presenting Sponsor

Fran and David Grossman

Gold Sponsor

Strategic Staffing Solutions


Emagine Entertainment
Michigan Educational Credit Union


AUCH Construction
Community Financial Credit Union
Integrated Design Solutions
John N. Santeiu and Son, Inc.
National Fleet Services
NBS Commercial Interiors
Universal Properties and Management, Inc.
Zeimet Wozniak & Associates


Bank of Ann Arbor
Steven L. Berg, Ph.D.
D & B Landscaping, Inc
Renee & Chuck Dardas
Lake Trust Credit Union
Thomas L. Marek
Marianne Riggs-Boschma
Keith Sirlin
Sohn Linen

Proceeds from the Diamond Jubilee enhance scholarships and grants for the benefit of students and programs through the Schoolcraft College Foundation (SCF). If you were unable to attend but would like to support Schoolcraft Students and programs, click / tap here to make a donation today!