It’s a Question of Tax… Tax Planning Tips for 2021 and Beyond

Every year after the holidays are put away, another form of stress rears its ugly head… “Tax Season!” Donald P. Kent shared his expertise on how simple planning takes some of the worry out tax season, and allows us to retain more of the “joy” of the holiday season a little longer.
Don has been a financial advisor with Bernstein Private Wealth Management since 2000. His experience in wealth management is complimented by his 20 years as a national leader in the charitable gift planning world while working in the Jewish Federation system, the Statute of Liberty Foundation, and Columbia University .
Thank you to Donald and to everyone who joined us for our 4th Virtual Program in this series on Tuesday, November 17th from 9:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. We hope to post the recording soon.