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Lisa’s Story


This is a letter from Lisa, our current Schoolcraft College Foundation Scholar. We thought we would let you read firsthand the impact YOU can have on the life of a Schoolcraft College student.

My journey to Schoolcraft is unconventional and hard-fought. Like many students, I entered Schoolcraft as a non-traditional student after multiple crossroads in my personal life that always kept a college education just beyond my reach. Years ago, I was enrolled in a community college in Texas, where I was a military wife for 10 years. However, due to my husband’s multiple deployments and our son’s autism diagnosis, it was clear to me at the time that my attention was needed at home. Later, I enrolled in community college a second time. But again, life had other plans for me and my family. My husband was gravely injured, and he was faced with a long and painful road to recovery. After nursing him back to health and taking care of our children, my husband was finally getting ready to retire from the military and I enrolled in college a third time. However, right before classes started that semester, I got word that my mother was diagnosed with a terminal illness. At that point, I decided to pack up my family and move back home to help my sister, brother, and father take care of our mother. Over the next three and half years I soaked up every moment I could with my mom until her passing.

At that point, I was overwhelmed, physically unhealthy, and ready to change my life and start living on purpose. No longer was I going to just let things happen; I was going to start making things happen. So, I decided to enroll in community college a fourth time. I entered Schoolcraft at 36 years old with a hunger and drive that was developed through the challenges in my personal life. I tell you this story not because I want to pull on your heartstrings. I tell you this story because if you read between the lines, it is a story of blessings. It is a story of love, patience, perseverance, and second chances. These experiences gave me grit and pushed me to enroll in Schoolcraft College. 

When I first walked through these doors, I honestly did not know how far I could go in my education, but with each class, with each 4.0, and with each opportunity to become more involved with Schoolcraft, my belief in myself started to skyrocket. During my time here, I became chapter president of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, the Schoolcraft College Foundation Scholar, a Dean’s List Honoree for four semesters, and this past May I graduated with honors.

Last year, when I received this award, the support granted to me was exceptional. Not only did it contribute to my educational and career journey in a profound way, but the award also allowed me to believe that support was out there for people like me, and it was achievable based on our own merits. Schoolcraft is a place that cultivates greatness and gives second chances (and in my case it gives, third, fourth and fifth chances lol) and this Foundation gives a platform and a pathway to success.

Recent Grad - Lisa

With that said, I want to thank the Foundation for all that it has done to support my educational goals. The opportunity this award presents to Schoolcraft students like me is considerable and I am deeply humbled by the acknowledgement of my academic successes along with the opportunity to speak with you all here today. It is with the support of those like you that allows students like me to transform their lives. Your monetary donations do not go unnoticed, and on behalf of myself and all Schoolcraft students who have received support from this institution, I want to give you my deepest thanks. 

Before I go, I want to take a moment to acknowledge my incredible family. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the unwavering support of my husband Nate, our three kids, Matteo, Stella, and Violet, my mom who watches over me every single day, and my sister who I also have the privilege to call my best friend. Thanks again to all of you who have contributed over the years the Schoolcraft College Foundation.