Schoolcraft Foundation:
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What to Support

Student Success

Schoolcraft College Foundation Vision 2025 LeadershipStudent Success Eliminating barriers, access for students seeking an affordable college education. Innovative programming and support for veterans, active military, and their families. Focus on lifelong learning and continuous training. Grow international student services. Scholarships and emergency needs. Support dual enrollment. Help students gain stackable credits.

Education & Workforce Development

Schoolcraft College Foundation Vision 2025 ProgressEducation & Workforce Development Grow Michigan’s talent pool and address rapidly changing workforce needs. Expand professional trades, technology, career programs, and power skills. Develop healthcare workers for tomorrow.

Community Hub

Schoolcraft College Foundation Vision 2025 FAQsCommunity Hub Enhance lifelong learning opportunities and programming for retirees and seniors, including those in the workforce. Engage STEM at every touchpoint – K-12 teachers, parents and students. Programming for children on campus. Continue and grow a multi-cultural focus.

Schoolcraft College Foundation Vision 2025 Case Statement

Vision 2025: The Fundraising Initiative

The success of this multi-year fundraising initiative depends on the involvement of all the stakeholders in the Schoolcraft College community and their partners throughout Southeast Michigan. These include community, business, and government leaders; prospective individual donors; foundations; college executive leadership; faculty; alumni; staff, retirees, and the community at large. Volunteers will be critical to fundraising. Cultivation is key to the efforts. Named gifts will validate the initiative and challenge the community to invest in change. Events and activities such as thought-leader convening, community feedback gatherings, public programs, and hard-hat tours will share the vision and excitement of undertakings at Schoolcraft College. There are exciting things ahead, and we hope to engage, transform, and inspire to meet the rapidly changing needs of work, education, and community through Vision 2025!

From creating five-star culinary masterpieces, pioneering thought models in education, and training responders to save lives, Schoolcraft College develops a foundation for student passions and plots a course for lifelong learning. Schoolcraft prepares minds for a robust future through intellectual growth while strengthening the surrounding region for economic independence. Vision 2025 is a five-year fundraising initiative that supports Schoolcraft College — its programs, students, and members of the southeast Michigan community. It is designed to provide the financial support needed for innovation beyond the limitations of current funding. Vision 2025 will impact the next 25 years of the 21st century by helping the college transform workforce education, which will engage, inspire, and transform students, the community, and economy. Download the Schoolcraft College Foundation Vision 2025 Case Statement.

Schoolcraft College looks to all stakeholders in the region to Engage, Transform, and Inspire the students, businesses, workers, and citizens of the future, through support for Workforce Development, Student Success, and our Community Hub.

What Will it Take to Transform Schoolcraft College?

The Critical Component – Community Support For Programming Initiatives A complex structure of skills will be required to navigate the next Industrial Revolution. New buildings with flexible workspaces and the latest technology are the foundation. However, providing programs and student support are what bring the educational process to life and realize the promise and potential of Vision 2025. The operating metrics of Schoolcraft College include:

  • Tax dollars and tuition, which support what the college SHOULD be doing.
  • Philanthropic support, which supports what the college COULD be doing.

Many Ways to Support

Making gifts for the benefit of others is an excellent way to affirm values and priorities. By designating a gift to a program, department, through scholarships or an unrestricted gift, many will benefit from the generosity for years ahead. Planned giving offers a powerful way to ensure and maximize support now and in the future. The accomplishment of the $10 million goal will be comprised of gifts and pledges. Donations may be recognized or anonymous. Founded in 1966, the Schoolcraft College Foundation assists Schoolcraft College in realizing its mission by partnering with donors, businesses, and private foundations to help secure new resources, maximize returns on existing funds, and serve as ambassadors for the College within the surrounding communities. The Schoolcraft College Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation.