Schoolcraft Foundation:
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Wilkie Family Challenge Match has completed and the official results are in!


The Wilkie Family Challenge Match is complete. The Foundation staff joined with some special guests; we know you’ll want to hear their final report! 

We offer our sincere gratitude to the Wilkie Family and every one of you who helped make this critical fundraising opportunity a reality for Schoolcraft.

Thank You!

This was the challenge…

The Wilkie Family has a long and distinguished history of supporting Schoolcraft College. Between Giving Tuesday and December 31, 2022, they challenged the Schoolcraft Community to raise $60,000 designated to the Area of Greatest Need, and they have generously MATCHED the $60,000!

See how your generosity is giving Maria the opportunity to chase her dreams!

You can support the student and programs at Schoolcraft any time of year, give now.