Schoolcraft Foundation:
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eNews 25th Edition

Schoolcraft College Foundation
SC Soccer Players

In This Edition

2022-23 Foundation Scholar Isabelle Garrett

The Foundation Scholar is the Schoolcraft College Foundation’s premier scholarship. Awarded by a committee of the Board of Governors, it requires an application and in-person panel interview. This year the Foundation was pleased to have Erin Bressler (2021-22 Foundation Scholar) pass the torch to Isabelle Garrett at the Donor Celebration in June.

Foundation Scholar - Isabelle Garrett
Left to right: Tom Marek, Alec Thomson, Isabelle Garrett, Erin Bressler, and Stuart Baker

Despite circumstances throughout her childhood that could have pulled her down, Isabelle overcame and excelled. She says, “I hold myself to high standards, so getting good grades is something I strive for.”  Isabelle’s overall educational goal is to become a psychologist or psychiatrist because “All my life I have wanted to help others. I have wanted to be there and help improve their life. I have wanted to show people I care and that I will be there to support them. I do not want anyone ever to feel like they are alone. I want to be there for others the way I wished someone were to have been there for me.”

This year we had multiple qualified candidates with excellent grades and inspiring stories.

However, Isabelle’s passion for mental health, her drive to excel at everything she does, and her compassion for other people are some of the reasons Isabelle stood out and was selected as this year’s Foundation Scholar! Congratulations Isabelle!

Tailgate Party 2022

Schoolcraft College’s Annual Tailgate Party will be on Saturday, September 17, 2022, from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. as the Ocelots take on the Jackson College Jets in men’s and women’s soccer.

Tickets are $20 in advance and $15 for children ages 6-12. Children 5 and younger are free. Proceeds support Schoolcraft College Athletics. Order online by Wednesday, September 7, before prices increase.

Tickets include admission to the games, a free Schoolcraft T-shirt, hospitality tent with a barbecue lunch and more! The men’s game is at noon with the women taking the field at 2 p.m. The soccer field is on the southeast part of campus, across from the St. Joe’s Sports Dome.

For more information, call 734-462-5324 or email sfox@schoolcraft.edu. Thanks to the Schoolcraft College Foundation for its support of the Tailgate Party.

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2022 Tailgage

The Inaugural Angileri Quality Institute Symposium

The Schoolcraft College Foundation proudly presents the first annual Angileri Quality Institute Symposium, “Quality Control in Today’s Dynamic Automotive Supply Chain.”

This symposium will take place on October 21, 2022, in the Manufacturing & Engineering Center (MEC) 13001 Merriman Rd, Livonia, MI 48150, from 7:30 am – 12:00 pm.

To ensure a spot, please register by September 30; seating is limited.

Session topics include Maintaining Quality Standards When Supply is Low & Demand High; Quality from an Employer Standpoint; Connecting Students with the Real World, and the Importance of Quality. There will be an Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) – Moderated Student Panel.

We also welcome many experts who will be speaking/moderating at this special event. 

 Learn More > 

Night at Wright

Mark your calendar for Sunday, November 6, 2022! James Beard nominated Chef Marc Djozlia, proprietor of Wright & Company, is hosting an exclusive one-time dining experience. The event will benefit the Culinary Arts Program at Schoolcraft College. Wright & Company is one of Detroit’s most beautiful spaces in the heart of downtown with panoramic views of Woodward.

Chef Djozlia is opening his kitchen to collaborate with the faculty and students from Schoolcraft College’s extraordinary Culinary Program. There will be a set menu and advanced ticket payment will be managed by the restaurant. The cost is $150 per person with an additional charge for those interested in wine pairings. Dining space is limited to 74 seats.


If you are unable to attend but would like to donate to Schoolcraft’s Culinary Program Fund, go to: https://secure.qgiv.com/for/naw/

Night At Wright - Save the Date

Culinary Extravaganza 2023

The Schoolcraft College Foundation’s Culinary Extravaganza showcases the skills of the distinguished and award-winning students and faculty of the Schoolcraft Culinary Arts and Brewing & Distillation programs. This will be a particularly special event as guests will see the transformation under way in the VisTaTech Center that will take this student and community-centered space to the next level.

Mark your calendar for Thursday, February 23, 2023 and watch for the registration information coming soon!

CulX - Save the Date

New Blog Post! Livonia Mayor Hosts Meeting at College’s Manufacturing and Engineering Center (MEC)

By Pamela Linton, Apprenticeship Coordinator – Engineering & Technology

After a recent visit to the Manufacturing and Engineering Center (MEC), Livonia Mayor Maureen Miller Brosnan was so impressed she indicated she wanted to begin hosting meetings at the facility. A strong and vocal supporter of Schoolcraft College, Mayor Brosnan held her Leadership Team meeting at the MEC on July 19, 2022. Following the meeting, the group was provided a tour of the facility and heard presentations by Gene Keyes (Manufacturing), Dennis Fohey (Metallurgy/Materials Science), and Coley McLean (Welding). Read More >



When We Work Together, Great Things Happen

Executive Director Dawn Magretta & Officer Carla Murray

Schoolcraft faculty and staff work dil­igently daily to support our students, college, and community. They not only invest their time and tal­ent, but they can always be counted on to go the extra mile to support our shared mission financially. They not only talk the talk, but also join with our do­nors, community partners, and friends and walk the walk together.

In the 2021-2022 fiscal year, faculty and staff do­nated nearly $64,000 to change students’ lives at Schoolcraft. Of that amount, over $30,000 resulted from a special Presidential Match and Spring Ap­peal that ended June 30. Dr. Glenn Cerny’s role as a catalyst in the annual campaign was critical. He boosted the momentum by offering a personal con­tribution of $5,000 to match the first $5,000 raised – and the response was immediate! Through payroll deductions, event support, memorial, and unrestrict­ed gifts, 152 faculty and staff generated 1,596 dona­tions. They truly made a remarkable impact! As we begin the new fiscal year, we’ll be carrying that momentum with us and working to impact even more students and programs.

The Foundation works hard in partnership with our donors to as­sist students in attaining skills that will help them gain employment and support their families and com­munity. In 2021-2022, the Foun­dation awarded nearly $300,000 in scholarships to 690 students. To learn more about the Foun­dation’s impact at Schoolcraft, vis­it scf.schoolcraft.edu.

New Family Fund is Making a Difference

The Steffen Family Student Athlete Scholarship Fund

Steffen Family

Dewey D. Steffen is the Founder, CEO and Chief Investment Officer of Great Lakes Wealth and an alumnus of Schoolcraft College. As a student, Dewey served as co-captain of the Golf Team and was a member of the Soccer Team. After graduating with an associate in Liberal Arts in 1992, Dewey transferred to University of Michigan where he graduated from in 1995.  He later returned to lend his expertise in the financial industry to various programs at the Schoolcraft College Foundation, including a past member of the Foundation Board of Governors, chair of the Foundation’s Finance Committee, and a current member of the Foundation’s Planned Giving Committee.

The strong bond between Schoolcraft College and the Steffen Family began with the family matriarch, Carolyn McKinnis Steffen, Ph.D. She joined the Biology and Microbiology faculty on September 3, 1974, until her retirement on August 25, 2010. Attorney Charlotte Steffen, Dewey’s sister, is a 1993 Schoolcraft graduate, transferring to the University of Michigan to continue her studies and, finally, the Detroit Mercy School of Law. Mr. Steffen established this fund in his family’s name.  This $1,000 scholarship will assist full-time students that are active members of one or more of the Schoolcraft College Athletic teams.

Schoolcraft College Job Fair Flier

National Speakers Headline FREE Webinar Series

As an extended member of the Schoolcraft family, the SC Foundation and Alumni Office invite you to keep learning! Visit our Free Upcoming Webinars page to see all events, register and explore recordings of past events. Don’t miss out on these engaging topics:

In the News

NMC Considers Uses For Eastern Ave Property, Including Senior Living Community
The Ticker – August 4, 2022 (By: Beth Milligan)
“Committee members studied a model used by Schoolcraft College in Livonia…” and it went on to speak about the facilities created through 501(c)(3) operations and the revenue generated. Read More >

Annapolis High School student is Dearborn Heights Fire Department’s first cadet
Press and Guide – June 23, 2022 (By: Dave Herndon)
“The soon-to-be senior at Annapolis High School recently completed Fire I and Fire II training at Schoolcraft College and has been a key member of the department for the last year, officials said.”
Read More >

See the Foundation in Action on Social Media

Find out the latest happenings at Schoolcraft College!  We’ll be sharing content that you don’t want to miss. Follow us on LinkedIn, like us on Facebook and don’t forget to check us out on YouTube – scroll to the bottom of this page for all our social links.

Student in Library

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Vision 2025: The Fundraising Initiative
Vision 2025 is a five-year fundraising initiative that supports Schoolcraft College — its programs, students, and members of the southeast Michigan community. It is designed to provide the financial support needed for innovation beyond the limitations of current funding. Vision 2025 will impact the next 25 years of the 21st century by helping the college transform workforce education, which will engage, inspire, and transform students, the community, and economy.